I have 4 BOYS! ( 5 if you count my husband ) Everything these boys talk about revolves around Boogers and Poo! From the boogers I clean off the T.V. remote, to the laughter that erupts everytime someone speaks the word Poo....These are 100% Boys! Snakes, Snails, and puppy dog tails; Yup, they are made of that...and also whatever else they can dig up out of the backyard...This is OUR life!
Jan 25, 2011
Personal thoughts on relationships
After looking back, thinking and praying...I have realized that God gives us certain people at specific times in our lives. We have relationships and sometimes they remain in our lives and sometimes they leave our lives..sometimes we know why and sometimes we don't. We miss ones we lost and we LOVE the ones we have..sometimes we walk away and we look back and realize the petty fight we had, or we just can't remember what caused our seperation. I feel God has given me amazing relationships throughout my life, ones I will always hold dear to my heart. He gives me clarity like an open door, he let's me know which ones are here to stay and which ones I need to let go of. This is something I struggled with for such a long time, I would try and hold onto every relationship in fear of losing someone special and not being open to what God has in store for me next (not that every relationship includes letting go but some do) I have walked away from people in fear of being hurt many times or because I "assumed" they didn't care about our relationship the way I did...Now I realize making assumptions is NOT the truth...it is our way of explaining to ourselves what "we think" is going on and in this we make our minds up on something we don't know to be true. This week I realized the people in my life are here because God put them there and the people that aren't is because God had other plans for me and them. I won't question that, I will accept it and move on. I will smile and say "Thanks for the time you let us share together, Bless them." Enjoy each relationship as they enter your life and Love them until they exit your life.
Jan 21, 2011
Happy Early Valentines Day
Look at my little Rebel! How big he has gotten so fast..makes me want to hold onto his chubbiness and not ever let go. I can't believe in just a few months he will be ONE, no longer baby...he is slowly moving into a Beautiful Toddler.
I absolutley adore this little picture with his hand up!! His bright Blue eyes make my heart melt everytime. He is definately our little Cupid :)
As Tricia Hackney has photographed Thatcher since age 4 days old, I have "oohed and ahhed" at each picture and fallen in LOVE with her photography! She is awesome!!
I absolutley adore this little picture with his hand up!! His bright Blue eyes make my heart melt everytime. He is definately our little Cupid :)
As Tricia Hackney has photographed Thatcher since age 4 days old, I have "oohed and ahhed" at each picture and fallen in LOVE with her photography! She is awesome!!
Jan 18, 2011
Sunday Service
This past Sunday, our church service spoke to me... Pastor Chris talked about how "Jesus is our defense attorney" he stands at God's right hand and he defends our case as we confess our sins. Jesus paid the price for our sins, so we don't have to. Chris said " If you pretend to be perfect and say you have never sinned...you are a liar" ( For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God Romans 3:22) If you walk in Honesty, have humility and you stay in that place...You will Grow in Jesus. WE never grow in areas that we protect from the truth...So step out of the darkness, confess your sins and step into the light...Renew your mind! If we confess our sins to one another, we may be healed. Jesus Christ defends our sentence, for our sin has been served, Jesus served it. Jesus absorbed the wrath of God for us already!
I just had to share this because sometimes...We need to renew our minds and be reminded that we are not perfect...But with Jesus as "our defense attorney" and all he sacrificed for us..We should remember...he will NEVER leave or forsake us!! Seek Him!!
I just had to share this because sometimes...We need to renew our minds and be reminded that we are not perfect...But with Jesus as "our defense attorney" and all he sacrificed for us..We should remember...he will NEVER leave or forsake us!! Seek Him!!
Jan 10, 2011
All Mom's need a break
Yesterday, as my 3 year old woke up with barely a voice and little Thatcher having a double ear infection...my husband stayd home with all 4 boys. I headed off to church...AWESOME sermon!!! and then our "oh so dreaded Dave Ramsey class" ( this will be good for us, I keep encouraging myself) I praised God, like it was only him and I in the room and felt so connected...I learned alot in Dave Ramsey's class...although I was looking forward to My husband and I having a date that evening (I felt Dave Ramsey saying NO) SAVE SAVE SAVE!!! UGH>>>>It's like he is stuck in my head with every dollar planned to be spent! So we cancelled our date and SAVED!! I came home to have lunch, and then went out to see my brother in law's new home, popped back in to give the kid's a bath and then left again to go cut hair. A friend made my family dinner in exchange for me cutting her daughter's hair (THE WOMAN CAN COOK). So, my point is...I LOVE my babies, I spend every moment with them but yesterday I had a break and it felt nice to regain patience and my momminess. God Bless my husband because I think he felt my everyday stresses yesterday as he held down the home and cared for all children. But it was days like yesterday when I get a much needed break and that I look at him and LOVE him more for giving me this break. EVERY mom needs a day to herself...you need to regroup, remember who you are, and give yourself Grace for all you do...Because being a mom is a hard job but it is definately the GREATEST Gift we will ever recieve. And we all need a break in relationships to make them stronger even with our children!
Jan 5, 2011
10 months old...Little Thatcher
Your 10 months old today, my how fast it has gone! Your turning into this little man with your own personality and your own ways of thinking. Your littleness touches my heart with such sadness. I know too well, how fast your growing and how each day you are growing into a little boy and becoming less baby! My heart weeps as I long for those first days again, to hold you and memorize your newborn features. I will forever miss those moments of our first days together. But, I am also excited to see and share your days ahead with you and form a bond with you that hearts can only form. Our hearts were tied together the very day you were concieved and I will forever know the sound of your coos and your cries. I have grown to know your every need, want and how to calm you when your having a rough night. I am so proud to be called your momma....When God Blessed us...He Blessed us well. It's in you, that I see his miracle...and that's how I know that God's name has one meaning...LOVE! Thatcher...you hold my heart in your hands just like each of your brothers. I am so entirely blessed with amazing children and a husband that Loves me...Your daddy and I cherish you all!
Your 10 months old today, my how fast it has gone! Your turning into this little man with your own personality and your own ways of thinking. Your littleness touches my heart with such sadness. I know too well, how fast your growing and how each day you are growing into a little boy and becoming less baby! My heart weeps as I long for those first days again, to hold you and memorize your newborn features. I will forever miss those moments of our first days together. But, I am also excited to see and share your days ahead with you and form a bond with you that hearts can only form. Our hearts were tied together the very day you were concieved and I will forever know the sound of your coos and your cries. I have grown to know your every need, want and how to calm you when your having a rough night. I am so proud to be called your momma....When God Blessed us...He Blessed us well. It's in you, that I see his miracle...and that's how I know that God's name has one meaning...LOVE! Thatcher...you hold my heart in your hands just like each of your brothers. I am so entirely blessed with amazing children and a husband that Loves me...Your daddy and I cherish you all!
January 4th, 2011
Yesterday, I turned 28! I have to say it was the best Birthday I have ever had. I woke up on my normal routine to get my children off to school, but decided I was going to "dress up" today :) So, my children went ahead of me down the stairs and I followed behind soon after. I came to find a dozen beautiful hot pink roses, a card and a picture of me as a child on a pretty purple table cloth. My husband is awesome!! My boys, guided me into the kitchen, they were so proud....they layed out all of my coffee ingredients for me so that "mommy wouldn't have to". My boys are so thoughtful. I got them all ready and out the door for school, and some girls at school made me feel great by complimenting my "new outfit"...sometimes I get in a "momma rut" and forget to do the little things like dress up to make myself feel good. I came home after dropping them off, put Thatcher down for a morning nap and I spent some time with God in my devotionals and prayer and I recieved some very sweet Birthday texts and calls. My Gram called and asked if I was feeling better....She said I am coming to spend the day with you :) I was so excited, I had absolutely nothing planned and she had just given me time to look forward to. She came, we talked and she gave me something very special...her childhood bible...a gift from the heart is a gift treasured!!!! Oh how I LOVE it and will always hold it close to my heart. Her and my Grandpa also got me some mary kay and money...so I got some fabulous boots and some tights and a belt. Gram, Jack, Thatcher and I went to lunch and shopping. We came home and Gram and I had "our time", (I LOVE this time we get to talk) and we enjoyed each other. I picked the boys up from school and Ty surprised me with a beautiful card made especially by him! John brought home a yummy dinner and we had family over and a very great friend. My mom and Dad got me a dozen roses and some dansko shoes ( so comfortable, I LOVE them), My in laws got me a yankee gift card and my brother in laws got me starbucks gift cards and John's aunt Phyllis and uncle John got me a Birthday angel plaque and a Bookmark with scripture on it. I had the most delicious cookie cake, which I am snacking on now :) I had an amazing day!! But the best part of this day was to look around and see that all of these people LOVE me, and My great friend that came is a true friend whose relationship I value with my whole heart. There is nothing better in the world than to feel LOVED, this isn't a gift that can be bought, it isn't one that you can unwrap on occasions....It remains... exactly what it is ...hearts combined and LOVING one another completely. LOVE was the BEST part of my day!
Hopefully...That wish comes true ...
My new dansko's that mom and dad got me, I have been wanting a pair for about a year. They are so comfortable!
28....is closer to 30....
Hopefully...That wish comes true ...

Jan 3, 2011
The Little Mister...is feeling crummy
This is today, ( note the thanksgiving bib that we indeed use all year round :) Thatcher was up with aching gums...thanks to the next tooth that is popping up
, a oozy little eye that he scratched and a croupy cough and ear infection! My poor little mister is feeling quite yucky today and has been very quiet. I feel my family passes around one sickness and we get rid of it just, to get stuck with another!! I sure hope this little man of mine gets better soon.

Jan 1, 2011
New Years Eve and New Years day!
Well, I have been quite sick lately...I have bronchitis and pnuemonia , so going out for New Years was not an option. WE stayed in with our boys and had some yummy donatoes pizza and we made ice cream :) We watched a movie and played with the kids. As they drifted off to sleep one by one we carried them up to bed, tucking them in and kissing them each goodnight with a HAPPY NEY YEAR kiss. The hubby and I played a few rounds of scrabble while watching the Dick Clark countdown and kissed as the year of 2010 passed and 2011 began. 2010 was a good and rough year... I birthed an amazing new addition to our family who has become a little man who has overtaken my heart, Jack had a scary surgery due to a tumor, I was baptized and gave my entire being to my wonderful God, Quentin played football for the first time ever, Ty went off to "real school" and My LOVE for my husband has deepened so much this past year. We have not only matured this year, but we have matured in LOVE and in each other as a family of values, morals and understanding. We made it through this 2010 year and here is to a new year together :)
Today is New Years day!!! This morning my mom and I spent the day together. It has become a tradition that we have a annual mother-daughter outing of all day shopping for my birthday. My birthday isn't until January 4th but I look forward to this outing every year!!!! Today we went...We shopped at the mall, and went to eat and shopped some more. We took the little mister with us...Thatcher was a very good little guy today. I am a proud momma of a very sweet almost 10 month old baby boy! It isn't the shopping that I look forward to each year that I go with my mom, it isn't the things we buy or even the lunch we share together...It is the quality time of bonding, talking and sharing our fashion and our "alikeness". As a little girl, Yes I looked up to my mom...as a teenager...I also did but didn't share the same styles...now as a mother, and having a matured "relationship" with my mother and also seeing her as a "best friend" I feel we share so much more. We share style, comfort and we share our hearts on this day. When I look at my mom and really feel in my heart that I KNOW she LOVES me and that she has provided for me and done everything she could to give me what she desired for me as her daughter...That is what makes these moments my favorite time with her...This day is "my favorite annual mother -daughter day and moment." Next year, I won't remember what we bought, I won't remember what we ate...but what I will remember is that I spent this day with my mom and I had the best time ever!! She is an amazing mom and I LOVE HER MOSTEST!!
Today is New Years day!!! This morning my mom and I spent the day together. It has become a tradition that we have a annual mother-daughter outing of all day shopping for my birthday. My birthday isn't until January 4th but I look forward to this outing every year!!!! Today we went...We shopped at the mall, and went to eat and shopped some more. We took the little mister with us...Thatcher was a very good little guy today. I am a proud momma of a very sweet almost 10 month old baby boy! It isn't the shopping that I look forward to each year that I go with my mom, it isn't the things we buy or even the lunch we share together...It is the quality time of bonding, talking and sharing our fashion and our "alikeness". As a little girl, Yes I looked up to my mom...as a teenager...I also did but didn't share the same styles...now as a mother, and having a matured "relationship" with my mother and also seeing her as a "best friend" I feel we share so much more. We share style, comfort and we share our hearts on this day. When I look at my mom and really feel in my heart that I KNOW she LOVES me and that she has provided for me and done everything she could to give me what she desired for me as her daughter...That is what makes these moments my favorite time with her...This day is "my favorite annual mother -daughter day and moment." Next year, I won't remember what we bought, I won't remember what we ate...but what I will remember is that I spent this day with my mom and I had the best time ever!! She is an amazing mom and I LOVE HER MOSTEST!!
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