I know, I haven't been attentative to this little blog...I will work on that. The house has been busy lately with getting more involved in church and the kids with sports. But it is about to get a little busier in our household....God decided when everyone said "you guys have your hands full"...well that God of ours decided he wanted to trust us with more...So here we are...We are growing once more from 4 to 5 children. God truly is giving us "ONE HAND FULL!" I haven't been nauseated, no headaches, no signs to tell us other than a little extra line on a pregnancy test!
Friday...I was 3 days late..with a negative pregnancy test.
Sunday..I went to get my hair done and the smell of the bleach suffocated me and being 5 days late...I was a little curious..I told my amazing hairdresser and she happened to have a test under the sink in the bathroom. I went ahead although I was thinking I wasn't pregnant! No symptoms...just a little late. Well....that test had two little lines. Pregnant...
Monday...I made a Target run for diapers...and I grabbed another test. Moms: we all know that one test isn't enough..we have to have about 2 or 3 more ( just to make sure ;)) Another ...Pregnant
Wednesday....Thatcher had a pediatrician appointment for his pre-op visit ( he is having surgery on his ears...tubes) and I took a test there as well... Final Test...A VERY DARK POSITIVE!! Yup definately pregnant! 3 tests can't all be wrong right??? Looks like we are going to be adding to this amazing journey! This was our last test...I couldn't get a clear photo...But the pink line is there:)
Just when we think we have everything planned out...God says "BUT I AM IN CHARGE". He definately is and when you live on his word and LOVE the way he intended us to...he blesses you abundantly!! I am so amazed by HIM! He has given us so much and I am excited to enjoy every second of this pregnancy and this gift he has given us!! Other than a little tired...I feel amazing and a little giddy with excitement knowing God LOVES us this much!! We are 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant with baby #5!! I can't wait to share this journey with our readers!! Have an amazing day and enjoy every second of the amazing gifts God gives you!!
Boogers & Poo & EVERYTHING Blue
I have 4 BOYS! ( 5 if you count my husband ) Everything these boys talk about revolves around Boogers and Poo! From the boogers I clean off the T.V. remote, to the laughter that erupts everytime someone speaks the word Poo....These are 100% Boys! Snakes, Snails, and puppy dog tails; Yup, they are made of that...and also whatever else they can dig up out of the backyard...This is OUR life!
Mar 31, 2011
Mar 9, 2011
Thatcher is ONE!!! Sorry we are a little behind!
Poor little Thatcher's FIRST birthday party was cancelled due to his 103 fever! So, one by one each child has had his go round with this and we have been a little busy playing "catch Up".
This year has passed by so fast and watching you grow from a tiny newborn to a precious one year old has been such a privelege. We have enjoyed every minute of sharing your very first year with you! You have brought us so much joy and LOVE. You have taken your very first step and you stand up in the middle of the room and glance around but slowly sit back down. I LOVE watching you do this. You are in constant wonder and amazement of your surroundings. You are a blessing and we are proud to call you our precious baby boy! Happy First Birthday Thatcher!! Here goes year number 2 :) We LOVE you soooo much!!
Your first taste of cake batter....It is momma's favorite too Thatch :) We LOVE you sweet boy! I am so sorry you were sick on your special day!! Don't worry little buddy....WE ARE GOING SHOPPING!!!!!!
This year has passed by so fast and watching you grow from a tiny newborn to a precious one year old has been such a privelege. We have enjoyed every minute of sharing your very first year with you! You have brought us so much joy and LOVE. You have taken your very first step and you stand up in the middle of the room and glance around but slowly sit back down. I LOVE watching you do this. You are in constant wonder and amazement of your surroundings. You are a blessing and we are proud to call you our precious baby boy! Happy First Birthday Thatcher!! Here goes year number 2 :) We LOVE you soooo much!!
Your first taste of cake batter....It is momma's favorite too Thatch :) We LOVE you sweet boy! I am so sorry you were sick on your special day!! Don't worry little buddy....WE ARE GOING SHOPPING!!!!!!
Feb 22, 2011
Ty is 6 today!!!!!
Ty IS 6 TODAY!!!! 6 years ago we welcomed Ty into this world. All 5 lbs 9oz. of him!! He was so entirely small that he wore preemie clothes for the first 2 months of his life. He still is very tiny but he has the BIGGEST heart and LOVES with his entire heart. This little guy has brought us such amazing joy and happiness. God's gifts are the best gifts...Ty is definately a treasured gift from God!
Today you turn 6 and you are growing so fast! This was your first year of "real school" (kindergarten). You are getting so big and I LOVE the way your heart works. You are so LOVING and giving and you always make sure you let us know that you LOVE us! You tell me all the time that I am the best mommy ever and each time my heart melts and tears fill my eyes with so much joy. I LOVE you so much Ty. When you came into this world, you were so tiny and you still are and will always be our "Little guy". Ty you are such an amazing blessing from God and I know he has amazing plans for your life. Just listen to him and you will fullfill everything that you were sent to do. Little guy...enjoy this day and know that you are definately one very special, LOVED boy! WE LOVE YOU TY TY!!!
Today you turn 6 and you are growing so fast! This was your first year of "real school" (kindergarten). You are getting so big and I LOVE the way your heart works. You are so LOVING and giving and you always make sure you let us know that you LOVE us! You tell me all the time that I am the best mommy ever and each time my heart melts and tears fill my eyes with so much joy. I LOVE you so much Ty. When you came into this world, you were so tiny and you still are and will always be our "Little guy". Ty you are such an amazing blessing from God and I know he has amazing plans for your life. Just listen to him and you will fullfill everything that you were sent to do. Little guy...enjoy this day and know that you are definately one very special, LOVED boy! WE LOVE YOU TY TY!!!
Feb 14, 2011
It's Valentine's Day!!!
This morning on the radio ( KLOVE) I heard Mathew West sing this amazing song for a married couple...By the end of the song...I was a teary eyed, snotty nose mess! This song hit me so hard and made me play back every moment of my relationship with my husband. This isn't the life I pictured as a little girl...then.. everything was absolutely perfect in my mind. Nope...this isn't the life I pictured at all...IT"S SOOOOO MUCH BETTER!!!! God knew exactly what my heart needed and that's the way he works...he laughs at our plans because he writes our story. Our plans don't make it..they are like blueprints in our minds and God takes them and he giggles because he, Our amazing father has better plans for us. I couldn't find the lyrics to the song...So, I, very stubborn as I am..I sat and listened and stopped..rewinded and wrote it all down! I found the song online and I will link it.. Here it is ...John, I LOVE you.. You are an answer to prayer...Happy Valentine's Day!!
I Would't Change A Thing ( Mathew West)
I Would't Change A Thing ( Mathew West)
I had a picture in my head
of how I thought it all would go
but look who showed up instead
it turns out you never know
Love will steal you by surprise
and take your heart just like a thief
Love can bring a stubborn man
down to one knee
And I wouldn't change a thing
it's perfectly imperfect
So crazy
but it's worth it
And I am wrapped around you like this ring
and something tells me
Even if I could
I wouldn't change a thing
Love will show you what you like
Love will Laugh at all your plans
and if your heart won't give it back
Well, Love will slip right through your hands
Well, heaven knows we've had our share
of days we'd rather leave behind
Oh, but Love don't really seem to care
it makes the wrong turns
turn right
And I wouldn't change a thing
it's perfectly imperfect
So crazy
but it's worth it
and I am wrapped around you like this ring
and something tells me
even if I could
I wouldn't change a thing
I'm truly
completely devoted
every moment until my last breath
I'm yours
Gotta picture in my head
of a hundred years from now
When all our lines have all been read
and we're both up there looking down
I, I wouldn't change a thing
it was perfectly imperfect
and every bit was worth it
and I am wrapped around you like this ring
and something tells me
even if I could
I wouldn't change a thing
Feb 8, 2011
11 months old!!
My sweet sweet boy! You have hit many milestones including: feeding yourself, walking around furniture, waving bye bye (backwards but it is way cuter this way), reaching out for me when you want me and giving big huge smackaroos! I LOVE all of these and the ways you do them. Your little mouth is full of teeth. We are slowly starting to wean breastfeeding and introduce new foods. This first year is almost over and we will be venturing with you into your 1's! I am sad to say goodbye to all of the "firsts" but excited to step into this year ahead with you to see what you will show us next. You have made us laugh, brought tears of joy to my eyes and you have given me more LOVE in my heart than ever imaginable. You and your amazing brothers are such gifts from above and I know God gave you all the qualites that he knew would be a perfect fit in this family and that would teach us and inspire us. We all have our own nicknames for you: Mine for you is "thatch and Diddle", Your daddy calls you "John jr.", Quentin calls you "jingle", Ty calls you "sweet cheeks" and Jack ....well he calls you something different everyday. Your a joy to this family! We all LOVE you very much Mr. Thatch.
and....this one
You have started feeding yourself, you enjoy this little independence that you have.
My sweet sweet boy! You have hit many milestones including: feeding yourself, walking around furniture, waving bye bye (backwards but it is way cuter this way), reaching out for me when you want me and giving big huge smackaroos! I LOVE all of these and the ways you do them. Your little mouth is full of teeth. We are slowly starting to wean breastfeeding and introduce new foods. This first year is almost over and we will be venturing with you into your 1's! I am sad to say goodbye to all of the "firsts" but excited to step into this year ahead with you to see what you will show us next. You have made us laugh, brought tears of joy to my eyes and you have given me more LOVE in my heart than ever imaginable. You and your amazing brothers are such gifts from above and I know God gave you all the qualites that he knew would be a perfect fit in this family and that would teach us and inspire us. We all have our own nicknames for you: Mine for you is "thatch and Diddle", Your daddy calls you "John jr.", Quentin calls you "jingle", Ty calls you "sweet cheeks" and Jack ....well he calls you something different everyday. Your a joy to this family! We all LOVE you very much Mr. Thatch.
and....this one
You have started feeding yourself, you enjoy this little independence that you have.
These are the hands that I held the first time I held you, the first time I rocked you, the first time I sang to you, the first time I kissed your hands, and these are the very hands that hold my HEART!

Jan 25, 2011
Personal thoughts on relationships
After looking back, thinking and praying...I have realized that God gives us certain people at specific times in our lives. We have relationships and sometimes they remain in our lives and sometimes they leave our lives..sometimes we know why and sometimes we don't. We miss ones we lost and we LOVE the ones we have..sometimes we walk away and we look back and realize the petty fight we had, or we just can't remember what caused our seperation. I feel God has given me amazing relationships throughout my life, ones I will always hold dear to my heart. He gives me clarity like an open door, he let's me know which ones are here to stay and which ones I need to let go of. This is something I struggled with for such a long time, I would try and hold onto every relationship in fear of losing someone special and not being open to what God has in store for me next (not that every relationship includes letting go but some do) I have walked away from people in fear of being hurt many times or because I "assumed" they didn't care about our relationship the way I did...Now I realize making assumptions is NOT the truth...it is our way of explaining to ourselves what "we think" is going on and in this we make our minds up on something we don't know to be true. This week I realized the people in my life are here because God put them there and the people that aren't is because God had other plans for me and them. I won't question that, I will accept it and move on. I will smile and say "Thanks for the time you let us share together, Bless them." Enjoy each relationship as they enter your life and Love them until they exit your life.
Jan 21, 2011
Happy Early Valentines Day
Look at my little Rebel! How big he has gotten so fast..makes me want to hold onto his chubbiness and not ever let go. I can't believe in just a few months he will be ONE, no longer baby...he is slowly moving into a Beautiful Toddler.
I absolutley adore this little picture with his hand up!! His bright Blue eyes make my heart melt everytime. He is definately our little Cupid :)
As Tricia Hackney has photographed Thatcher since age 4 days old, I have "oohed and ahhed" at each picture and fallen in LOVE with her photography! She is awesome!!
I absolutley adore this little picture with his hand up!! His bright Blue eyes make my heart melt everytime. He is definately our little Cupid :)
As Tricia Hackney has photographed Thatcher since age 4 days old, I have "oohed and ahhed" at each picture and fallen in LOVE with her photography! She is awesome!!
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