My sweet sweet boy! You have hit many milestones including: feeding yourself, walking around furniture, waving bye bye (backwards but it is way cuter this way), reaching out for me when you want me and giving big huge smackaroos! I LOVE all of these and the ways you do them. Your little mouth is full of teeth. We are slowly starting to wean breastfeeding and introduce new foods. This first year is almost over and we will be venturing with you into your 1's! I am sad to say goodbye to all of the "firsts" but excited to step into this year ahead with you to see what you will show us next. You have made us laugh, brought tears of joy to my eyes and you have given me more LOVE in my heart than ever imaginable. You and your amazing brothers are such gifts from above and I know God gave you all the qualites that he knew would be a perfect fit in this family and that would teach us and inspire us. We all have our own nicknames for you: Mine for you is "thatch and Diddle", Your daddy calls you "John jr.", Quentin calls you "jingle", Ty calls you "sweet cheeks" and Jack ....well he calls you something different everyday. Your a joy to this family! We all LOVE you very much Mr. Thatch.
and....this one
You have started feeding yourself, you enjoy this little independence that you have.
These are the hands that I held the first time I held you, the first time I rocked you, the first time I sang to you, the first time I kissed your hands, and these are the very hands that hold my HEART!

He's such a little cutie!!! Happy late monthday!!!