I have 4 BOYS! ( 5 if you count my husband ) Everything these boys talk about revolves around Boogers and Poo! From the boogers I clean off the T.V. remote, to the laughter that erupts everytime someone speaks the word Poo....These are 100% Boys! Snakes, Snails, and puppy dog tails; Yup, they are made of that...and also whatever else they can dig up out of the backyard...This is OUR life!
Jul 31, 2010
My Sweet Gram!

Jul 30, 2010
Last night, we got our hair done together and went to dinner and I really enjoyed every second. I couldn't imagine my life without this wonderful woman in it. She amazes me in everything she does and if there is someone I strive to be more like it is definately my mom~~ Just look at her, I hope I look like that when I am a grandma!!
Pause, Rewind and LOVE.....REPEAT!!!

Jul 29, 2010
One fish, Two fish...Time Out Bench??

This bench should have Ty's name on it! This is our TIME OUT bench at the pool....Ty spends about 3/4th of his time on this bench....I thought it was appropriate to have a picture of this bench to remind him one day of how mommies can make Time out spots anywhere. I Love you Ty, and one day you will be free of this bench :)
Loving ALL parts of Baby
A Great Friend
I grew up in church, went with my grandparents and always enjoyed the atmosphere...never really understanding what the meaning behind it was. BUT, I was so very excited to be invited to this bible study...I was currently going to church with my very own family now and was learning so much. So, with Bible in hand and the book we were studying I started going to this Bible Study. I met other women, some I already knew from our small town. When you have no idea how to even read the bible,something such as a Bible study can be very intimidating! But I felt in my heart that this was something I wanted to do and I think God brought this friend into my life.
As, Bible study led on, playdates led on, and our friendship grew...I began to learn that my friend had prayed about who she would invite to the Bible Study and being that she invited me opened my eyes to what God was beginning to do for me. He gave me my friend to lead me closer to him which has completely changed every aspect of my life and I haven't looked back! This friend is such a blessing, an angel with no wings! She has truly taught me the meaning of Jesus, Love and compassion. I couldn't have hand picked this friend myself, but God did this and everything he does is perfect!
My friend recently went to Africa on a mission trip, when she was gone I fought hardships and the person I would call was in another country...But I prayed and dealt with these hardships in ways that without God's guidance I would have handled them so differently. Well, my friend is back :) and Tuesday I went over to talk with her about her trip and the hardships I faced and she thought I handled them well. Her trip sounded amazing and I realized something Tuesday night....Our friendship is a friendship built on the Faith of GOD and that is a friendship I have never experienced until now. This is a friendship that is a gift and it is a gift that I am so excited about. She has changed my life!!! I can only hope that I impact someone's life the way she has impacted mine!
Jul 28, 2010
The Wonder of it All

Double Trouble in POLO
30 MINUTES.....
BUT....We had such a GREAT and fun night!!! And my boys had a BLAST with their grandparents that night!
Jul 27, 2010
Little Guy....BIG Sport!!

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Little guy with a BIG helmet |
Teething with Sophie
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I LOVE our Thatcher and all his squishiness. |
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I LOVE his baby BLUES!!! and those sweet cheeks are kissable at any time of day! |
Jul 22, 2010
Thatcher's 4month pictures ;)
Jul 21, 2010
Q's First Football Practice
So, my husband set me up a chair, the kids rolled around in the grass and I swayed my chubby baby in the tiny raindrops as they sprinkled down. We were proud parents...video camera, camera and all our eyes focused on our Big guy!! All of a sudden here came this huge black storm cloud and down came the rain. We hurried and scurried to the car with not even a click of the camera. I didn't even get one picture of my guy.
I loaded the boys in the car and we invited a few more little ones in the car and had our very own party in the van. Amazing what little boys talk about....I think the word poop must have been spoken every minute we sat there for the rest of the game. They all sang and danced and talked .....We missed Q's practice but we enjoyed ourselves. There will be more practices, more pictures to take and My husband will get to use the video camera eventually.
My parents stopped by practice, just getting back from Florida with nice golden tans and cute souvinors for the family...and the first words out of my kids mouths to them was...Can you take me poop?!? The joys of BOYS!!
Jul 20, 2010
- Read my blog and like it....
- Just like the pictures....
- Enjoy the songs I post...
- Think I am just as crazy as my boys in BLUE....
- Like the name Boogers and Poo....
- Enjoy our Family giggles and our silly take on life...
- Accidentally clicked on my blog and didn't mean to...
- Are a mother that appreciates another mother's LOVE...
- LOVE the way I Always capitalize the word LOVE because that is the core of everything......
Smile by Uncle Kracker - Lyrics
I LOVE this song! It reminds me of falling in LOVE with my husband and it also reminds me of my children. This morning Thatcher woke up and I was the first face he saw when his eyes opened and He SMILED so BIG that my heart was bursting with LOVE and we both giggled as we stared in each other's eyes! I absolutely LOVE the SMILES and LAUGHTER that my husband and children compose together....It is a song that forever plays over and over in my heart! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!
Jul 19, 2010
Thatcher's FIRST baby food: Sweet Potatoes
Jason Gray - More like falling in love
Everytime I hear the song "More like falling in LOVE, by Jason Gray" , it reminds me of how exciting it is to have your heart filled with LOVE for Jesus. I recently read that Jason Gray has a speech impediment...but when he sings, it doesn't affect his music at all. When you are following God's purpose for you, I believe he makes ALL things possible!
Revive New Single-Blink
A friend of mine told me about this song. It truly makes you step back and look at your life and it makes us realize our days are numbered! Let's LIVE every second and not let time fly by, for we may regret the time we have wasted!
Movin' and Groovin' to the Very Best of Spongebob

Jul 16, 2010
Mommy's Wakeup Call

Yes, Thatcher you kept me up again and stole my bed again!! I decided we are going to label your day today with the perfect onesie! It really lets everyone know you are indeed my little alarm clock :) Look how precious you are, you were also this precious at 12 a.m ; 3 a.m. ; 5:45 a.m. ; 7:30 a.m. ; and 8:00 a.m. ! Thank you for reminding me all those times through the night how lucky we are to have you! You sure do brighten our day and my much needed coffee will be by my side all day long! Love you little guy!!
Jul 15, 2010
You keep Stealing!!!
How Magical does this look to mommies?

2 Rough Nights
Hail the Jumparoo
Jul 12, 2010
Monkey's Birthday Bash