This was the BIG gift...an F150 powerwheel from MOMMY, DADDY, TY, Q, THATCH, MAWMAW and PAWPAW!! Monkey's face lit up like the 4th of July when he pressed on that pedal the first time and the truck went by itself!! That moment was Priceless
I love this picture, One day these baby cheeks will slim down and I will truly miss kissing on them...I think they are the cutest cheeks and they are yours, but ours to kiss on until one sad day you become less baby and more big boy!
BIG WISHES Monkey!! Happy Birthday!
Poor Ty, He Loves TOY STORY 3 and was so excited that Jack got lots of Toy story 3 presents. He said " Jack got these for his Birthday, so he can share them with me" All weekend we had an all out war between Jack and Ty and the toy story toys!! But we conquered the weekend and noone got hurt over the toy story toys despite every fight that broke out over each figure.

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