Dec 29, 2010


Last Thursday we spent the evening with my parents and brother and his new girlfriend for CHRISTmas. WE had a great evening watching the kids open gifts from them and opening some amazingly cute clothes for the chubbiness.  We got Rachel Ray pots and pans and Kings Island season passes with FREE parking :) We are very excited.  And I always take delight in watching my parents open their gifts from us!

Friday morning I woke up sick as did 2 out of 4 children. I ran a fever...but still baked and cooked for my husbands parents and family to come over and spend CHRISTmas here. WE enjoyed some delicious food and opened gifts. The kids did not want to go to bed...making it hard for Santa to make his way to our house....because he knows when you are sleeping and he knows when your awake.

Saturday..CHRISTmas morning we woke up to a living room full of gifts...The boys must have been mighty good this year. They all enjoyed CHRISTmas morning. WE stayed in our jammies all day and played with toys and watched movies. It was a great day and it was Thatcher's very first CHRISTmas... here are a few pics...
Mr. Thatcher went after the ornaments....His tiny chubby hands couldn't keep away from them


 OUR little Elf TY
Daddy had to test out the BUZZ wings...although I think he enjoys them more than the children

 Another silly little ELF...
Quentin kept hiding from the camera but I managed to catch him :)

O MY that is one huge chocolate bar!!!

Poor Jack didn't feel Good but he still had a great CHRISTmas

He rode on Thatcher's new horse rocker (bullseye)

Merry CHRISTMAS Quentin!!

Our puffy morning faces

Thatcher enjoys playing with Jack's guitar

Thatcher's First CHRISTmas morning toys from SANTA

Santa brought the little people manger scene

Thatcher also got a new high chair from IKEA

MY poor Jack was so sick, he fell asleep sitting up :( My heart aches for my sick babies)

Ty....I LOVE your pretty blues!!!
We had a GREAT CHRISTmas!! We are just hoping our family gets to feeling better soon!!! We made Jesus a Birthday cake on his birthday and enjoyed each other completely on CHRISTmas!!

Dec 22, 2010

Too Cute...

 I must say these have become my favorite pajamas (thanks Target). On them they say " I ate Santa's cookies" and " I live with elves" and other sayings as well. He has the evidence written all over him!!    I have washed them over and over just to see them on the chubbiness.

 I feel Thatcher has gone from "baby" to "little man" in a matter of just a few weeks! He looks older and has all of a sudden found tons of little discoveries in our home. He LOVES the tree lights, the wooden CHRISTmas train and he plops his little butt right on top of the CHRISTmas gifts under the tree.

I am so excited to share in his very first CHRISTmas this week!! As we do our celebration, we will also be adding a new tradition to our CHRISTmas! We are baking a cake for Jesus, so that our children remember the reason behind this special day :) I am looking forward to this new tradition!

Dec 17, 2010

A tough week it has been

This have been sick, baby is teething BAD, I haven't had much sleep and now I am sick. I feel I have reached my breaking point several times this week...I have cried for no apparent reason...things have come across my mind that have burdened my heart with aches and pains but God's grace is enough to see me through. I have cleaned like crazy, only to have a mess follow right behind me, and I have been trying to pick out the perfect gifts for everyone which has me mentally exhausted. When I have reached the point of flooding tears...I have just held them back...until today...I let those tears fall like drops of rain and I am ashamed that I didn't turn to prayer this morning, instead I let anger take over my tears and turn into complete aggravation. This isn't what is suppose to happen....I am suppose to rely on God at all times..he is my rock. I hit a block, an emotional road block that seeped up into my heart and into my throat and out poured tears.. with my heart. It isn't one particular thing that has my heart's a million different things that I can't even explain. I am a very sensitive person, sensitive to hurtful words, sensitive to that homeless person out in the snow while we are warm and cozy in our homes, sensitive to the children in orphanages who haven't been taken in and feel abandoned, sensitive to people in need and to my friends and family who go through hard times. I feel overwhelmed lately, I feel useless in all of these areas, but so desperately want to just DO SOMETHING!! I feel God is definately putting orphans on my heart lately...I feel he is saying..just take the first step and I will guide you through the rest. I feel this is my calling. My LOVE for children and their heartache, but I just don't know what I can do for them..I don't know what I have to offer...Not that I am questioning God or his plan but just the fact that ...I want to know the full plan!! I am a nosey person, I have to know every full detail and I am a planner...I don't like surprises because I AM NOSEY! This has indeed been a struggling week for me for many reasons, but I will lay these burdens before God and seek his guidance because that's what I am suppose to do and more important only God knows all truth to all situations. He has a book that he has written and mapped out and he is using me in this book as part of his plan...So who am I to question him? He knows my next move before I make it, he and only he knows my heart and my intentions....So Lord I ask for your guidance in this!

Dec 15, 2010

Good Grief!!!

Monday, our school had a 90 minute delay. Ty stayed home sick Monday and Tuesday, Jack had no preschool Monday and Thatcher is teething and in much pain. Tuesday, as Ty stayed home...Quentin also called home and asked for me to come pick him up because he wasn't feeling well. Tuesday morning I was on a mission to clean all bathrooms and floors, dust, put away laundry, do laundry, clean and vacuum. I accomplished that mission just in time to recieve Quentin's phone call, which I had an amazing person come through for me and pick him up, so I wouldn't have to drag 3 kids out. This morning...I had reached teary eyed exhaustion...being up all hours of the night with my teething baby, taking care of sick kids and trying to finish up Christmas and keep the house in order...has me crying out for a break. Well.....
This morning after waking, I learned Ty had woken up Jack ( Never wake a sleeping child ). Jack was in full crying meltdown disaster mode this morning...As I tried to give cough syrup to Quentin he gagged and threw it up all over my "just cleaned" kitchen floors..not once but twice. I had to wake the baby (YES I woke a sleeping child :( ) I bundled all 4 boys up to get them off to school ( THEY ALL WENT BACK TODAY). I started my van 10 minutes before do the "warm your car up thing". Well, My windshield wipers were stuck, my brake light wouldn't quit flashing and beeping, my interior light couldn't decide if it would rather be on or off and my passenger sliding door was stuck between open and closed!!! Ahhhh....So, after dropping all of them off to school...I went home and devoted my morning to God. I prayed about my car...( silly I know but...rely on God in ALL times is what God is working on in me)...Guess what?!?

At 11 a.m. Thatcher and I bundled up after starting the car again...and my windshield wipers were now unstuck. After I picked Jack brake light and interior light went off...and as I opened the "stuck" door...It came open with a little tug. God is good....ALL the time!! Jack said "mommy you got it" I said "No honey, Jesus did it" and he said "I didn't see him."  :) That made my struggles this morning...SO WORTH IT!!! Ok...done venting! On with..hopefully a better day!

Dec 13, 2010

I feel like Betty Crocker!

Saturday from 12 noon until 10 p.m. my mom and I baked cookies and we icing them. Everything was made from scratch and I literally ache from baking. My back aches, my hands hurt and my house was a crisco mess Sunday morning. Even the sink was as slick as could be! But I must say the cookies are delicious and and I gathered several tins to fill for friends that have been so kind to us through this past year. We have had people help take our kids to school when it has been too cold for the baby and people that made us meals when we came home from the hospital with our newborn boy.
Mom and I had fun baking in the kitchen while the boys carried on with icing in the dining room...little did we know Ty dumped food coloring on a cookie thinking it was squeezable icing and Jack had a mound of icing that he kept adding to on one tiny sugar cookie. I still have sprinkles in my carpet that I just can't get up with the vaccuum. After the boys drifted off to sleep, mom and I enjoyed a little quiet time as we finished with the icing and sprinkles. I always enjoy having these moments with my a little girl your mom starts off as the lady who takes care of you, rocks you to sleep, and calms your you grow up, your relationship grows..she becomes your very best friend, the one you trust with your hardest moments and the one you share your most exciting news with. Whether you are 2 or 102, a mother daughter relationship is one that you cherish with your whole entire heart.
Sunday I ached from head to toe and felt like someone ran me over with a truck....10 hours of baking Saturday and another hour and a half on Sunday!! Betty Crocker, I think I got you beat girl!! I was so proud of the cookies mom and I made and the cuteness that the boys added to the cookies. Every person that I gave cookies to LOVED them. It feels so good to give to people that have been so generous with their time for us. I guess living in a small town has it's advantages and this small town has become a great big family!

Dec 10, 2010

Thatcher got his 2 front teeth for CHRISTmas :)

For the past few weeks, we have had a cranky, non sleeping very clingy baby boy on our hands. First he got the two bottom front teeth....Now the two top front teeth have made their way past the gums..He got his two front teeth for CHRISTmas :)  He has 4 more to go that I can see making their way to the surface..He is in very much pain and as a breastfeeding momma.....I can tell you this stage is very painful for both momma and baby! Here are some symptoms of a teething baby that we have been working through....
  • blowouts (more laundry and new pajamas ruined)
  • very cranky
  • lack of eating solids but more frequent breastfeeding (OUCH!!!)
  • lack of sleep ( Momma has bags under the eyes these days)
  • Very clingy ( just attach some velcro and we will be just fine)
  • The grinding gums to alleviate pain ( these faces are quite cute if I do say so)
  • I suggest keeping tylenol, motrin and oragel on hand!!! We have been using a dose of tylenol at naptime, motrin before bed and oragel during the day....never before bed ( horror stories of oragel numbing the throat terrify me)
  • Good Luck mommas!!! These little white chompers can totally take your baby from angel to out of control "in pain" monster baby! But LOTS of LOVE is the BEST you can give at any given moment ;)

Dec 9, 2010


As the snow has been falling, CHRISTmas decorations are up and people are getting there trees up.....I feel the meaning of CHRISTmas has been completely overlooked. Instead we celebrate this holiday with one thing on our minds " How will we fit everyone's gift into our budget and make them smile with what we pick for them?" I feel we worry so much about the "appearance of CHRISTmas" and we have forgotten why this day is so very special! An amazing gift was given to us on this day....The gift of Jesus. His birth was the beginning of our reconnection with our creator..Our God. This gift is what we should be celebrating...We should be having a birthday party....we celebrate our children's birthdays, our parents and grandparents, our husbands and wives.....WHY NOT JESUS?? Instead we gather around the CHRISTmas tree excited about presents ...(they are simply "things" that we cannot take with us). We have forgotten....the story of Jesus.
We now have the signs that say "happy holidays" where is the "Merry CHRISTmas" or "Happy Birthday Jesus"??  I LOVE to give....but when it gets to the point that what you give is just not good enough or that "it is special because it was chosen especially from one person and given to someone because they thought of them" has been forgotten....I believe it is time to renew our minds and go back to the basics!
Someone told me recently that they were thinking of making a birthday cake for Jesus on his birthday and having family over to celebrate....I immediately felt joy and thought... that is just awesome.
I recently started a devotion that is fully focused on getting to know Jesus...I waited until December to start it, thinking how appropriate to learn about him around the time of his birth. I am amazed at each day's devotion and yearn for more knowledge of him. I feel that my time with him is precious each day.
This CHRISTmas.....I am going to LOVE more, Give a helping hand to those in need, and give with all of my heart not my wallet. I honestly feel my calling is to help orphans in need....So, I plan soon on reaching out to an orphanage near home, until I feel fully comfortable and have my family's blessing to go on a mission trip.
On CHRISTmas day when my children open their gifts by the tree...I will enjoy their beautiful smiling faces...and I will enjoy my husband and boys on this day...BUT most of all I will be celebrating and remembering that this is Jesus' day and I will praise him on his very special day!!

Dec 8, 2010

Things I enjoy....

  • Waking up to 4 little boys with sleepy faces all warm and cozy in their jammies.
  • The last words of "I LOVE YOU's" before bed
  • prayers with my children and husband
  • My good night and morning kiss from my husband
  • cuddling with my husband
  • My morning coffee
  • Even though I sometimes complain....I must say I DO LOVE the morning chaos of children running around and their voices filling a quiet house.
  • Being wrapped up in a warm blanket with a cup of tea
  • My devotions, Bible and time with the Lord each day.
  • Reading other blogs including my 3 most favorite are: dear baby (this is the first blog I ever read, and the one that inspired my blogging),Adventures of a wee Mason man ( I LOVE reading about a first time mom's LOVE for her first born and how she cherishes the first moments of her baby boy) , and This Long Road ( This woman is inspirational and reminds me of our creator and shares her LOVE for him through her blog).....I read others also but these are the ones I look upon each day :)
  • Talks with a good friend whom I share so much with and know always that she is definately a true friend! There are always a Few close ones that become like family!
  • My children's smiles and curiousity
  • Looking forward to Sunday's church service the entire week.....I LOVE worship
  • Talks with my Gram about the Lord and stories she tells about the past or when I was a little girl.
  • Having a Girls day out with my mom where we can bond as mother and daughter
  • Trying new flavors of tea, coffee, trying out baby products, etc..
  • I LOVE all things vintage
  • Lighting candles on a cold day to make the home smell yummy
  • I am sure there are some I am missing but the basics are covered :)

Dec 7, 2010

Very unhappy western chief customer!!!!! DO NOT BUY THESE

 If you are debating on this brand of rain boots....GO to target...they are much better quality!!!We purchased the western chief and chooka boots ( I believe made by the same company) last Christmas. These pirate ones are my 8 year old's....One week of wearing them....they split right up the back. You can see they are very cheaply made but not cheap in price. They haven't been worn often although look like they have been worn for years!!

We are so very unsatisfied customers and will never purchase from this company again!

These are Ty's very awesome cute Thomas boots.....and Sunday, at church they split right up the back of the boot! Really? Are these disposable boots? Because when we purchased them we thought in hand me downs to the younger children!

These are Jack's monster boots! I fell in LOVE with these when I found them. But as much as he LOVES them, his feet now are no longer protected by the outer covering because of all of the holes in them! Durable and full of quality.....I THINK NOT!!!!

We will now be going to Target for our rain boots, they are 1/4th of the price and so much better in quality! I am so dissatisfied with this company and will absolutely never recommend them to anyone!  Now that our boys have fallen in LOVE with these character boots that don't hold up, we will be contacting the company because every single pair purchased has been defective! Our boys LOVE rain Santa they need new ones but a different company please!

I am not one to bash a company or to complain about products but this has got me fuming! Too pricey for this!!!

9 months

        Sunday, December 5th you turned 9 months..I have known you and your little heartbeat for 18 months. I felt every hiccup and flutter and witnessed your very first smile and first word "Dada". From the second you came into this world you grew our hearts a size bigger. Your brothers adore you and can't wait to watch your very next move. I am saddened at how fast these 9 months have gone by and amazed at how smart you are. You are already pulling up and slowly stepping around furniture. You are so serious but when you light up the room.
This smile makes my heart smile everytime I witness it and see your eyes light up!

 Do you see this?!? Slow down buddy...your 9 months and nearly walking!! You LOVE to explore all new things.
Santa?!? You were so interested in him and couldn't figure out if you liked him or were terrified of him! You definately were a "Santa baby" that day :) Chubbiness, We LOVE you and we LOVE your wonder and amazement at the small things in Life. I can't wait to see God's plan for you and what he has in store for you. He made you perfect!!!


PSALM 139:13
"YOU knit me together in my mother's womb."

Dec 2, 2010

That little thing called the telephone....

Well, I barely answer it, barely text back at an accurate time and sometimes forget who called me during the day so I also can't remember to call back! I use to have it on the palm of my hand constantly...never ever missed a call. Now, my calls usually don't get answered. Or if I happen to get to the phone I feel my conversations go a little like this " Hi how are you?....Jack don't touch that...Ty I will get you a drink in a minute.....I am sorry how are you doing??   Sorry, the baby is crying...can I call you back?"   As you can phone conversations haven't been getting very far since we added four children to our family. So, I think I may give up answering the phone as courtesy to the people on the other end of the line...I will just call back when the kids go to bed!! That is when I can hear myself think and give my full attention. Just wondering if any other mommas have noticed this trend?? Ok, I will get off my soap box now :)

To sum it up the telephone is driving me crazy...who invented a cell phone anyways????

" A date night "

OK, Ok we have 4 boys and we don't get out much...OK WE DON'T get out at all!!  Well, lately we have seen the wendy's commercial every night (the one with the new fresh fries with sea salt) , We both looked at each other and decided we just had to try them. So, we planned.... after the kids went to bed we would have a date fry night :)  The hubby went to get them while I looked in amazement at Old toys on websites, that I use to play with and just would LOVE for my kids to have them ( some are girl toys but...hey I can dream). Well, he came in with also a fountain Dr. pepper pop ...YUMMM!! He always goes a little further than expected :)  So, we tried the fries which were yummy and sat by the computer looking at old toys and excitingly clicking the buy it button!! OHHH How I LOVE the "OLD stuff" and antiques and I sooooo wish I could go back in time and keep it all and carry it into today! I am a sucker for anything old, forget the new stuff. Well, we eventually closed down the computer after sending Santa the "OUR kids gotta have our old toys list."  We vegged out a bit on the couch and I went up to bed as my dear husband straightened up downstairs. He knows how much I LOVE a fountain pop, and I barely drank it. So, I asked him to please put it in the fridge ( knowing the ice would melt and it wouldn't taste the same the next day) Well, once again he went a step further...My sweet guy fished out the ice so that I could still have that fresh pop the next day! I JUST LOVE HIM!!!  I's silly, but it is these unexpected silly things he does that make me fall in love with him a little more each day. I LOVE my ice fisher!

Dec 1, 2010


YES!!! IT is snowing today! Whooo hoooo! I LOVE snowfall although I don't like driving in it!  Ty asked me this morning, "MOMMY, who makes snow?" I said "GOD makes snow".....Ty then responded with " Well, I think that he stuffs a cloud into another cloud and it busts and snow is made!!"   

I just LOVE the way children use their imagination....this totally made me smile and think...their thoughts are so simple yet so creative!! AWESOME!
I just had to share another brilliant thought from one of my awesome BOYS!!

Our Thanksgiving....and the chubbiness"s first Thanksgiving

 Ty made this Fall tree at school! My children are BRILLIANT!!!  I  have to say it is definately a masterpiece!
This little art piece melted my heart . I just LOVE his little handprint and the sweet little poem

Quentin's I am thankful for....card was amazing! He has such a BIG heart and sometimes is shy to share his sweetness but he is definately a sweetie pie !! And when I asked "Who gave you the Life that you are thankful for?" He said "GOD"!! YES!!!!! He is my son!!

Here is the chubbiness all wrapped up in the cutest Turkey outfit. He was so cute I could have served him up on a platter!!!!  My mother in law is holding him..She came to our home and cooked Thanksgiving dinner all day while we went to my side of the family's Thanksgiving and when we came home, She had dinner going for my husbands side of the family! We had Thanksgiving at home and didn't have to cook! She did it all!!! :) It was an awesome Thanksgiving....I am Thankful for the family we have and how we got to spend it with everyone we LOVE!!!

Nov 23, 2010


I have to say my freshly bathed Thatcher is my favorite smell! Thatcher has been unimpressed with his toy selection lately, So I tried the old pot and spoon trick. HE LOVED IT!!!!! He finally after intensely staring at them for a while, figured out when they are used as a drum they make the most irritating, annoying wonderful sound!
( By the way you have to admit his little fohawk is just adorable)

So, the only downfall to the "NEW wonderful invention" is that the sound curiously called in 3 more boys who wanted to take over and BANG with all their might.....( this might be a good anger management tool :) )

The chubbiness had a BLAST and banged until was so cute watching him figure it out!

AND......This is how it all ended with fingers being slammed in between the spoon and pot and eventually a few tears broke out because someone didn't get a turn! So, from this I learned.....Santa will be getting a letter from mommy....Saving the elves  hard work and time....Just call Paula Dean or Rachel Ray  and please Santa tell her we want her cookware collection in Red or orange and ALL momma and children and Daddy will all be happy!!