Dec 7, 2010

9 months

        Sunday, December 5th you turned 9 months..I have known you and your little heartbeat for 18 months. I felt every hiccup and flutter and witnessed your very first smile and first word "Dada". From the second you came into this world you grew our hearts a size bigger. Your brothers adore you and can't wait to watch your very next move. I am saddened at how fast these 9 months have gone by and amazed at how smart you are. You are already pulling up and slowly stepping around furniture. You are so serious but when you light up the room.
This smile makes my heart smile everytime I witness it and see your eyes light up!

 Do you see this?!? Slow down buddy...your 9 months and nearly walking!! You LOVE to explore all new things.
Santa?!? You were so interested in him and couldn't figure out if you liked him or were terrified of him! You definately were a "Santa baby" that day :) Chubbiness, We LOVE you and we LOVE your wonder and amazement at the small things in Life. I can't wait to see God's plan for you and what he has in store for you. He made you perfect!!!


PSALM 139:13
"YOU knit me together in my mother's womb."

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