Last Thursday we spent the evening with my parents and brother and his new girlfriend for CHRISTmas. WE had a great evening watching the kids open gifts from them and opening some amazingly cute clothes for the chubbiness. We got Rachel Ray pots and pans and Kings Island season passes with FREE parking :) We are very excited. And I always take delight in watching my parents open their gifts from us!
Friday morning I woke up sick as did 2 out of 4 children. I ran a fever...but still baked and cooked for my husbands parents and family to come over and spend CHRISTmas here. WE enjoyed some delicious food and opened gifts. The kids did not want to go to bed...making it hard for Santa to make his way to our house....because he knows when you are sleeping and he knows when your awake.
Saturday..CHRISTmas morning we woke up to a living room full of gifts...The boys must have been mighty good this year. They all enjoyed CHRISTmas morning. WE stayed in our jammies all day and played with toys and watched movies. It was a great day and it was Thatcher's very first CHRISTmas... here are a few pics...

Mr. Thatcher went after the ornaments....His tiny chubby hands couldn't keep away from them

OUR little Elf TY
Daddy had to test out the BUZZ wings...although I think he enjoys them more than the children

Another silly little ELF...
Quentin kept hiding from the camera but I managed to catch him :)

O MY that is one huge chocolate bar!!!

Poor Jack didn't feel Good but he still had a great CHRISTmas

He rode on Thatcher's new horse rocker (bullseye)

Merry CHRISTMAS Quentin!!

Our puffy morning faces

Thatcher enjoys playing with Jack's guitar

Thatcher's First CHRISTmas morning toys from SANTA

Santa brought the little people manger scene

Thatcher also got a new high chair from IKEA

MY poor Jack was so sick, he fell asleep sitting up :( My heart aches for my sick babies)

Ty....I LOVE your pretty blues!!!

We had a GREAT CHRISTmas!! We are just hoping our family gets to feeling better soon!!! We made Jesus a Birthday cake on his birthday and enjoyed each other completely on CHRISTmas!!
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