I have 4 BOYS! ( 5 if you count my husband ) Everything these boys talk about revolves around Boogers and Poo! From the boogers I clean off the T.V. remote, to the laughter that erupts everytime someone speaks the word Poo....These are 100% Boys! Snakes, Snails, and puppy dog tails; Yup, they are made of that...and also whatever else they can dig up out of the backyard...This is OUR life!
Aug 31, 2010
Time? What extra time??
So....with 2 out of 4 kids in school fulltime and 1 part time, you would think I would get more accomplished right? WRONG!! It seems instead, I am just getting extra time to do the things I already did but I am not rushed through them. Ahhhhh, I really feel like more should be getting done. I get my cleaning done in the morning...which sometimes also consist of dr appt's and errands. Then, I pick up Jack from preschool... and it's snacktime, playtime and naptime....Laundry time for me and time that I work on my bible studies. Then, ooooooo it's 2:45 already?!? Time to pick up Ty and Q and homework, snack and sports practices.....bathtime and bedtime! So, I think my days are slowly running together and fading into each other. It seems like we have the same schedule everyday...BOOOORRRIIINNNGGG!! There is not enough time in a day! Does anyone else feel this way? I feel like I am doing so much, yet missing out on so much! Are we inserted with the guilt factor when we become parents? I have this feeling of guilt that I carry like a backpack everyday...sometimes I would like to just remove it and relax!
Aug 30, 2010
1st Day of Preschool for Jack

You quietly waked in, washed your hands, hung up your name and bookbag and grabbed a book and sat down! You didn't shed a single tear...not even one!! You simply kissed me and said bye mommy! WOW, what a BIG guy you are! We LOVE you soooooo much!! See you soon little buddy!
Lots of LOVE,
Aug 27, 2010
Pants On your Head...And a shiny new tooth?!?

I think this is a Great new fashion statement!! Pants on the head!
What are we gonna do when Jack starts preschool next week???
LOllipop Soccer...
Wednesday, we had lollipop soccer practice. Jack and Ty are on the same team. The boys did so good and thoroughly enjoyed running around and playing with the kids on the team. Our sweet coach...she brings a treat every practice...last week was popsycles...this week SILLY BANDS...The kiddos went a little crazy over the silly bands :)
Aug 25, 2010
Ty takes his first steps into Kindergarten.....
It is a another bittersweet day today, Our second born is off to his very first day of kindergarten!
We hope you have a very bright and fun day! We hope you make new friends and carry our LOVE with you through the day. I made sure the crust was torn off your peanut butter sandwich this morning, packed a spoon for your applesauce...and I double knotted your shoes so that you wouldn't have to have them retied! I tried so hard not to cry, but you are so very little and this just doesn't seem right leaving my little guy in this BIG school! As I walked you to class, you were so brave and sat in your seat and stared up at me with those bright blue eyes...I knew your thoughts without you speaking them! I knew you were nervous, scared but excited and that you LOVE me. Have a Great day TY TY...The house is very quiet this morning without you here, a little too quiet....a piece of my heart is with you today! I LOVE YOU TY TY!!!
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A little overloaded with supplies |
And.....as I walked away...I stood in the hall behind you and snapped this picture as I watched you become a little man before my very eyes, you captured my heart at this very moment. I didn't want to leave you. My feet felt like heavy bricks as I left you today! But know this...Wherever you are right now in your day...I am loving you and thinking of you every second and YES, Momma is crying right now as I am letting you take your first steps in that BIG school!!
Aug 24, 2010
Our weekend of Football
There goes my heart.....
It is Day 2 of your going back to school after a summer with your help. I miss you during the day! On our walk to school this morning, I noticed that you have become quite the little man. You moved garbage cans out of our way so I could push the stroller through the sidewalk path and made room for your little brothers to walk. Yes, I noticed!! I never once asked, you just have a heart that BIG! When we finally got to your school, you turned around and said "Mom, I got it from here, I can do this"... Oh, buddy did mommy's heart sink. You are growing up, when did this happen? When did you become your own little person and decide you don't need my help anymore? (tears, sniffle sniffle) It was a bittersweet moment this morning...A moment of letting go, but my heart holding onto you at the same time! I LOVE you so much and I hope you have an amazing school year because you are an AMAZING kid!
Aug 23, 2010

He is so excited about showing off his new backpack with his football number on it. Good Luck today Q!!! WE LOVE you and will be missing you all day!
Aug 20, 2010
Football companions....
This is Q and Big Mike! They are best buds, from the same town and are on the same football team. I feel like we have taken this child on as our own, partly because he is with us 4 days a week for football. This child is a great kid, he has manners, and is always encouraging Q that he is doing great. As our first year in football....I can honestly say... you don't know what a sport is until you have endured the sport of football. It takes up the most of your time, brings more sweat to the field, and the games are excitingly intense. I am not complaining, this has been my favorite sport that Q has played yet! So, be ready if you are thinking about adding your child to the football sport....It is exciting!!
Aug 18, 2010
A Quiet Blessing...

Aug 17, 2010
Where is that switch again?!?!?
The supermom mode switch that is!!! What a morning!!! I have been up with Mr. Thatcher every night because he is cutting teeth. I mean can't these little white monsters cut through already? He is miserable!
Jack came in my room this morning...he was as white as a sheet and pointing to his chest "momma it hurts" and he was very much in pain. So, I did the..."Let's lay down and get a drink and crackers" theory. Yeah that didn't work, because he threw up after 5 minutes of laying in my bed. His little heart was racing so fast. And to those moms who know ...we can sniff out a fever before it comes along (that sweet smell) yup, he had that this mornin!! No fever yet. So, I took him and two of the other boys downstairs, layed him on the couch and he was in tears...when it comes to the chest (heart) mommy panics, I called the life squad! They came and took his vitals and he sounded clear..but for precaution they did an ekg. It was normal rhythm but...a fast rhythm. It should have been 100 and it was 120. After they left, I took jack's temp...YUP I certainly sniffed that fever out right...Here it was...I gave him some motrin. So off to the doctor we went!
On the way, as I am in panic mode Jack is right behind me in his carseat. All of a sudden, he throws up everywhere...not once but twice! And there was absolutely nothing I could do, I got to the doctor, parked and ripped him out of the carseat. checking him from head to toe to make sure he was okay. As a momma, when there is nothing you can do for your child...your heart aches with miserable pain. I cleaned him up and changed his clothes and headed into the doctor.
Well, Jack has something viral. No ear infection! When we got there his heart rate went down to 110. But she was worried because 120 is high for a little guy his age...So, for the next few days we are monitoring his heart at home.
So, yes!!! I had to flip the switch from mommy to supermomma with powers mode and get busy!! I am stripping carseats, my bed that he threw up on, his bed, and vacuuming out the car to ensure everything is clean and to get the germs out!! With droopy, heavy eyes...and another cup of coffee to come I am making it through this day but only with GOD's grace.
Did I mention, I am out of Laundry detergent?!?
Jack came in my room this morning...he was as white as a sheet and pointing to his chest "momma it hurts" and he was very much in pain. So, I did the..."Let's lay down and get a drink and crackers" theory. Yeah that didn't work, because he threw up after 5 minutes of laying in my bed. His little heart was racing so fast. And to those moms who know ...we can sniff out a fever before it comes along (that sweet smell) yup, he had that this mornin!! No fever yet. So, I took him and two of the other boys downstairs, layed him on the couch and he was in tears...when it comes to the chest (heart) mommy panics, I called the life squad! They came and took his vitals and he sounded clear..but for precaution they did an ekg. It was normal rhythm but...a fast rhythm. It should have been 100 and it was 120. After they left, I took jack's temp...YUP I certainly sniffed that fever out right...Here it was...I gave him some motrin. So off to the doctor we went!
On the way, as I am in panic mode Jack is right behind me in his carseat. All of a sudden, he throws up everywhere...not once but twice! And there was absolutely nothing I could do, I got to the doctor, parked and ripped him out of the carseat. checking him from head to toe to make sure he was okay. As a momma, when there is nothing you can do for your child...your heart aches with miserable pain. I cleaned him up and changed his clothes and headed into the doctor.
Well, Jack has something viral. No ear infection! When we got there his heart rate went down to 110. But she was worried because 120 is high for a little guy his age...So, for the next few days we are monitoring his heart at home.
So, yes!!! I had to flip the switch from mommy to supermomma with powers mode and get busy!! I am stripping carseats, my bed that he threw up on, his bed, and vacuuming out the car to ensure everything is clean and to get the germs out!! With droopy, heavy eyes...and another cup of coffee to come I am making it through this day but only with GOD's grace.
Did I mention, I am out of Laundry detergent?!?
Aug 16, 2010
Proud Momma of #24
I am a very proud mom of a little football player!! Q has taken on this sport and has really put his best foot forward!! He gives his very best at each practice and game and although it is hard work ....at the end of each practice and game , a smile brightens his face!
Aug 13, 2010
Hey Daddio.....
This is my Dad! This is the man who spent hours playing nintendo with me, taught me to swim and helped me with my spelling words as a child. He made me giggle at the simplest things and now he is giving my children (his grandchildren) the same knowledge and enjoyment he gave me. He has a way he shares his heart, it isn't through words or "sit down talks" , it is through Laughter and his way he shares his heart ...to me is an awesome way! His serious faces he poses in pictures....Look past them to the light in his eye...That is the person that captures my heart and makes me proud to say "YES!!! That is MY DAD!!" He spoils my children with LOVE, and he has taught me that LOVE conquers ALL things in LIFE! This is MY DAD and MY oldest SON!!! I am so LUCKY and PROUD of these GUYS!!!
Aug 12, 2010
He is MY Light that always shines through!
This photo was attached to an email I recieved the other day from one of my Best Friends. I LOVE this picture and the way it shows That Jesus is behind everything and is ALWAYS there for us.
As I sat doing my bible study the other morning this came to me and I scribbled it down on the back of my notes....
In him we find PEACE,
In him we believe.
These burdens are released,
And Now, through light we see.
For Now.. my day has finally come,
that I see what my wonderful Lord has done.
A WHOLE LOT of giggle with my morning coffee please.....
Jack and Ty this morning , found a corner and played ds Toy Story 3. The giggles echoed through the house as they played level by level. I LOVE when they enjoy each other so much and at times it seems like they are "BEST FRIENDS". It makes me so proud that we have a house full of boys, I think just one child in this house would be a little too quiet for me. I have gotten to the point where the chaos that sometimes drives us a little crazy, is what I look forward to each and every day!
INKED for the BOYS
For each child we have had, I have devoted a special place for their name. Quentin has my right foot, Ty has my Left foot, Jackson has my left ankle and as of yesterday... Thatcher has my right ankle. So, on Stay-cation day #3 ...momma got her newest baby's name tattooed right on my ankle!! :) I feel complete now that they are all there!
Aug 11, 2010
Baby in shades
Thatcher knows too well...How to rock out the shades at 5 months!! He LOVED these until he figured out how to get them off and drool and teeth on them.
Monday and Tuesday ...DADDY IS HOME!!!
On Tuesday, We took the kids to see Toy Story 3. This is simply the cutest movie ever. We even took the baby and he enjoyed the BIG screen and also his very long nap he had. Ty sat next to me in the theater and kept saying " This is going to be so awesome mommy, SO AWESOME" That right there, made my day! So, if you haven't seen Toy Story 3....GO SEE IT!!! :)
Aug 9, 2010
On ALL Toes
Thatcher has been rolling belly to back and back to belly for quite some time now.... His newest trick is being a little worm using his toes. He props his body up on his little toes and scoots forward and he repeats this until he gets to where he needs to go!
I have to say, usually that special toy he is scooting to get, is his little Sophie the giraffe!
I have to say, usually that special toy he is scooting to get, is his little Sophie the giraffe!
Aug 6, 2010
A 3 year old's prayer
Last Night I was putting Jack in bed and we began saying his prayers. This is Jack's prayer:
Thank you for making popcorn, thank you for my brothers, mommy and daddy. Thank you for pooka (?????)
From Jack ......A.....men.
" Mommy, can I make Jesus popcorn?"
I LOVED his little prayer, although I don't know what or who Pooka is. We prayed and sang "the Jesus song" is what Jack calls, Jesus LOVES me!
Thank you for making popcorn, thank you for my brothers, mommy and daddy. Thank you for pooka (?????)
From Jack ......A.....men.
" Mommy, can I make Jesus popcorn?"
I LOVED his little prayer, although I don't know what or who Pooka is. We prayed and sang "the Jesus song" is what Jack calls, Jesus LOVES me!
The room that is NOW perfect since you are here!

This mobile is actually christmas tree firetruck ornaments that fit perfectly in the crevice holes of our mobile and matched perfectly.
These pictures on top of the door were also hand painted by our friends to coordinate with his room and the Big canvas he painted. The one on the door is from Pottery Barn Kids.
On the left is a dresser we made into a changing table ;) creative huh? Above it is the picture taken of Thatcher when he was 4 days old triciahackney.com , she takes amazing pictures. On the right is a furniture piece that was my father in laws when he was a baby. If you look closely, the book on this amoir is called "THE tallest of smalls" it was a gift from a dear friend as well. It is read Alot in our house before bed. It is a children's christian book.
And Finally, the baby that sleeps in this room! When you are decorating your nursery...you are usually still pregnant and dreaming of your baby and how perfect he will look in his room sleeping. I walked in this room everyday with a smile and patiently waited to fill this crib with our baby. He came sooner than he was suppose to. As I watch him sleep so soundly, he is perfect in every way. A room is never a perfect room until you put a child in it! And....I don't know if you notice...but it looks like our little angel is praying in his sleep ( his hands are definately folded together)!
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