Aug 17, 2010

Where is that switch again?!?!?

The supermom mode switch that is!!! What a morning!!! I have been up with Mr. Thatcher every night because he is cutting teeth. I mean can't these little white monsters cut through already? He is miserable!
Jack came in my room this morning...he was as white as a sheet and pointing to his chest "momma it hurts" and he was very much in pain. So, I did the..."Let's lay down and get a drink and crackers" theory. Yeah that didn't work, because he threw up after 5 minutes of laying in my bed.  His little heart was racing so fast. And to those moms who know ...we can sniff out a fever before it comes along (that sweet smell)  yup, he had that this mornin!! No fever yet. So, I took him and two of the other boys downstairs, layed him on the couch and he was in tears...when it comes to the chest (heart) mommy panics, I called the life squad!  They came and took his vitals and he sounded clear..but for precaution they did an ekg. It was normal rhythm but...a fast rhythm. It should have been 100 and it was 120. After they left, I took jack's temp...YUP I certainly sniffed that fever out right...Here it was...I gave him some motrin. So off to the doctor we went!
On the way, as I am in panic mode Jack is right behind me in his carseat. All of a sudden, he throws up everywhere...not once but twice! And there was absolutely nothing I could do, I got to the doctor, parked and ripped him out of the carseat.  checking him from head to toe to make sure he was okay. As a momma, when there is nothing you can do for your child...your heart aches with miserable pain. I cleaned him up and changed his clothes and headed into the doctor.
Well, Jack has something viral. No ear infection! When we got there his heart rate went down to 110. But she was worried because 120 is high for a little guy his age...So, for the next few days we are monitoring his heart at home.
So, yes!!! I had to flip the switch from mommy to supermomma with powers mode and get busy!! I am stripping carseats, my bed that he threw up on, his bed, and vacuuming out the car to ensure everything is clean and to get the germs out!! With droopy, heavy eyes...and another cup of coffee to come I am making it through this day but only with GOD's grace. 
Did I mention, I am out of Laundry detergent?!?

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