This mobile is actually christmas tree firetruck ornaments that fit perfectly in the crevice holes of our mobile and matched perfectly.
These pictures on top of the door were also hand painted by our friends to coordinate with his room and the Big canvas he painted. The one on the door is from Pottery Barn Kids.
On the left is a dresser we made into a changing table ;) creative huh? Above it is the picture taken of Thatcher when he was 4 days old triciahackney.com , she takes amazing pictures. On the right is a furniture piece that was my father in laws when he was a baby. If you look closely, the book on this amoir is called "THE tallest of smalls" it was a gift from a dear friend as well. It is read Alot in our house before bed. It is a children's christian book.
And Finally, the baby that sleeps in this room! When you are decorating your nursery...you are usually still pregnant and dreaming of your baby and how perfect he will look in his room sleeping. I walked in this room everyday with a smile and patiently waited to fill this crib with our baby. He came sooner than he was suppose to. As I watch him sleep so soundly, he is perfect in every way. A room is never a perfect room until you put a child in it! And....I don't know if you notice...but it looks like our little angel is praying in his sleep ( his hands are definately folded together)!
Oh my gosh, his room is absolutely adorable (as is he) I just love it!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. Your profile pic of your little guy is too cute! :)