Nov 19, 2010

Remembering each moment as they slowly pass

I wrote a poem....As I nursed Thatcher to sleep last night I was taking time to remember the past 8 months of his life and how I am amazed at how fast and BIG he has grown. He woke up every 2 hours last night (maybe teething??) and as I got him back to sleep I felt exhaustion kick in. I prayed at 5:40 a.m. that God please let him sleep just one full hour before I have to get the kids ready for school. Thatcher slept from 5:40 until 7 a.m...It doesn't matter how little the prayer...God always goes a little further in answering it. Here is the poem I wrote to Thatcher...

I remember the tiny flutters and the BIG kicks,
I remember the first time we heard your heart tick.

I remember the very second you were born and placed on my chest,
I remember the first time you closed your eyes to rest.

I remember the day we brought you home from the hospital,
I remember when I nicknamed you "Diddle".

I remember how small you were those first days,
And how I often wonder why you couldn't stay that way.

It amazes me how you have grown so fast,
I am trying so hard to make each moment last.

As a tired mommy in the middle of the night,
I sometimes forget I need to enjoy these moments too and hold you extra tight.

Your once tiny fingers, hands and feet,
Are now full and chubby and the way you have changed is so very neat.

As I enjoy these moments we have together,
I often wonder "Will you LOVE me like this forever?"

My wish for your future is to be full of LOVE and joy,
Just remember one thing, you will always be our baby BOY!


......Count your blessings, name them one by one. And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.......

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