Sep 21, 2010

Sleep?!? What does that feel like?!?

Have you ever felt exhaustion creep up on you like a ton of bricks? I feel like I have been hit by a bus and it went in reverse and hit me again... After the past few nights of absolutely no sleep, I have reached my breaking point. The point where the tears flow with no end. Because as a mom of 4 and I LOVE my family so very much, but there is only so much one person can do with no sleep. I am up nursing a teething baby all hours of the night because that is what soothes him, walking the kids route to school 3 times a day and that's six trips, keeping up on housework, bible studies and groups, football and soccer, church, and still trying to keep in touch with friends and family so they don't think i forgot about them. At the end of the night I barely have enough energy left to climb the stairs up to bed. Each day I pray that God gives me energy because being sleep deprived is not a fun feeling . If it weren't for my morning prayer to God and my cup of coffee...I would never make it through the day! I give him Glory for what he does for me each day and how he gives me one last energy boost to walk the stairs to bed at night, even though sleep has been boycotted in this house lately! Moms if you are going through this, I feel your pain and exhaustion. We will get through this, our babies will soon have bright, shiny, white teeth and we will all get a little sleep! Hang in there!!

1 comment:

  1. I feel for you and am dreading those days. Hang in there Momma!
